Ce soir, ouvrons les guillemets.

Lights up on office. Controller sitting at microphone.

Controller : 274 ? Where are you ?

Lights up on Driver in car.

Controller : 274 ? Where are you ?


Driver : Hullo ?

Controller : 274 ?

Driver : Hullo ?

Controller : Is that 274 ?

Driver : That’s me.

Controller : Where are you ?

Driver : What ?


Controller : I’m talking to 274 ? Right ?

Driver : Yes. That’s me. I’m 274. Who are you ?


Controller : Who am I ?

Driver : Yes.

Controller : Who do you think I am ? I’m your office.

Driver : Oh yes.

Controller : Where are you ?

Driver : I’m cruising.

Controller : What do you mean ?


Listen son. I’ve got a job for you. If you’re in the area I think you’re in. Where are you ?

Driver : I’m just cruising about.

Controller : Don’t cruise. Stop cruising. Nobody’s asking you to cruise about. What the fuck are you cruising about for ?



Listen 274. I’ve got every reason to believe that you’re drinving a Ford Cortina. I would very much like you to go to Victoria Station. In it. That means I don’t want you to walk down there. I want you to drive down there. Right ?

Driver : Everything you say is correct. This is a Ford Cortina.

Fermons les guillemets à cet extrait de Victoria Station by Harold Pinter.