Pour faire entrer au chausse-pied du Stein dans Caradisiac, je n’ai pas cherché midi à quatorze heures. J’ai choisi un passage, intitulé A grammarian du livre How to write (voir photo) et ai remplacé « grammarian » par « driver » et « grammar » par « driving ». Effectuez donc l’opération inverse et le texte originel vous sera restitué.

« I am a driver.

We will or we will not cry together.

These. Have not a cousin.

These have a cousin she is a nun.

Their cousin these have several one of them is a nun.

I love my love with a b because she is precious. I love her with a c because she is all mine.

This is very simple driving. Who takes it there. This is not simple because it is not trained.

Driving. If we cry, he cries he does not help himself as one without them.

Driving is not against sailing. If they have not boarded a steamer.

He never thinks anxiously one at a time.

What is driving. A driving is forgotten that there is a dog. Now how could one which is different from what how did you forget.

Forgot forgot means forgetting or did not know there was one. How do you say Forgotten forget did konw which he did not know as there was not formely there is one.

Its all wrong they sit which is alright.

Which is alright with them what is the différence with them. Without them.

The thing that makes driving is that they know but without doubt they come to be around.

Fifty times driving. »

And so on.